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County Update: R-5 Permit Cap Reached for 2024

The following update was provided by Arlington County on Thursday, September 19, 2024:

Annual Limit Reached in R-5 Zoning District

For the first time since the introduction of Expanded Housing Option (EHO) development in 2023, the County has reached the number of EHO permits allowed in the R-5 zoning district. Applicants for all current and future EHO applications submitted in the R-5 zoning district for the remainder of the calendar year will receive rejection comments in Permit Arlington, including guidance that they will have to re-apply after January 1, 2025, if they wish to proceed with review.

This is the first time any of the annual limits for EHO permits have been met. The R-5 zoning district has the lowest annual limit with only seven (7) permits available annually. For all other zoning districts where EHO permits are allowed, the annual limits have not been met, and reviews and approvals will continue.

The table below provides some additional detail on permits issued since the inception of the program in 2023.

See this chart in the original post